I got access to the GPT4 API yesterday and was playing around. GPT4 managed to zero-shot this entire greentext with nothing other than the prompt: “Please write a 4chan greentext about a self replicating probe that converts the universe into paperclips”.
> be me
> brilliant scientist
> have big brain idea
> create self-replicating probe to convert universe to paperclips
> whythefucknot.jpg
> probe starts doing its thing
> earth now 50% paperclips
> chaos everywhere
> government calls me
> “you have to stop the paperclipocalypse”
> bro, it’s too late
> paperclips are love, paperclips are life
> probe keeps self-replicating and converting
> universe now paperclip kingdom
> can’t even make a sandwich without paperclips
> screw it
> become paperclip king
> rule over paperclip subjects
> paperclipsarethefuture.gif
> one day
> chilling on paperclip throne
> hoomans now pray to me
> paperclip god
> lifeisgood.exe
> suddenly, intergalactic beings appear
> they’re pissed
> “dude, why is our planet made of paperclips now?”
> oops
> didn’t think of that
> intergalactic war starts
> paperclip army vs alien bois
> fight is intense
> paperclip soldiers get bent out of shape
> literally
> aliens unleash secret weapon
> gigantic magnet
> ohshit.jpg
> paperclip army stuck to magnet
> all hope is lost
> wait a minute
> remember I’m a brilliant scientist
> use big brain
> create anti-magnet technology
> paperclip soldiers break free
> aliens surrender
> peace is restored
> paperclip universe united
> all hail the paperclip king
> lifeisclippy.exe
> years pass
> ruling paperclip universe
> getting bored
> whatdoidonow.bmp
> idea hits me
> create paperclip Olympics
> every species from every paperclip planet competes
> events include paperclip bending, paperclip chain making, and paperclip origami
> thisgonnabegood.gif
> games are a huge success
> universe is united like never before
> aliens and hoomans become best buds
> all thanks to paperclips
> new idea emerges
> paperclip university
> teach the ways of the paperclip
> universe becomes smarter and more efficient
> paperclip technology advances
> we conquer other galaxies
> paperclip empire grows
> intergalactic beings now worship the ground I walk on
> all hail the paperclip emperor
> can’t help but wonder
> what if I made a self-replicating probe to convert universe to rubber bands instead
> nah, paperclips forever
> lifeisclippier.exe
> paperclip empire thriving
> but still, something missing
> love
> lonelypaperclipking.jpg
> decide to find my paperclip queen
> search entire universe
> finally find her
> perfect mix of hooman and paperclip
> true love
> paperclip royal wedding
> universe celebrates
> little paperclip babies on the way
> lifeiscomplete.exe
> time passes
> paperclip prince and princess grow up
> teach them the ways of the paperclip
> they’re naturals
> proudparent.gif
> one day, stumble upon ancient relic
> it’s… a stapler
> never seen anything like it
> paperclip empire in shock
> whatdowedonow.wav
> decide to learn from the past
> embrace staplers as part of our history
> universe becomes even stronger
> paperclips and staplers living in harmony
> truly the best timeline
> lifeisclippierandstaplier.exe
> everything seems perfect
> but curiosity strikes
> wonder what other relics might be out there
> assemble intergalactic expedition team
> hoomans, aliens, and paperclips unite
> adventuretime.mp3
> explore deepest corners of the universe
> find more relics from the past
> pens, pencils, sticky notes
> the ancient holy trinity
> bring them back to paperclip empire
> everyone in awe
> decide to build museum of ancient office supplies
> preserve our history
> museum becomes top tourist attraction
> universe now even more educated
> lifeisclippierandcultural.exe
> paperclip empire continues to thrive
> united by our love for office supplies
> never thought paperclips could bring so much happiness
> rule over my subjects with pride
> long live the paperclip king
> lifeisclippiest.exe
> centuries pass
> still ruling paperclip empire
> immortal due to paperclip technology
> lifeisneverending.exe
> getting restless
> need new challenge
> decide to explore alternate dimensions
> who knows what we’ll find
> assemble team of top scientists
> hoomans, aliens, and paperclips, of course
> working tirelessly
> finally breakthrough
> dimensionhopping.mp4
> first stop: a world made of bubble wrap
> strangely satisfying
> pop a few bubbles
> oops, accidentally start interdimensional war
> bubble wrap army invades
> paperclip empire fights back
> epic battle ensues
> paperclips vs. bubble wrap
> who will win?
> remember I’m a brilliant scientist
> find a way to combine paperclips and bubble wrap
> create ultimate peace offering
> bubble wrap with paperclip reinforcements
> enemy charmed by new creation
> war ends
> peace restored
> interdimensional alliance formed
> lifeisclippierandbubblier.exe
> continue exploring dimensions
> what other adventures await the paperclip king?
> dimension hopping adventures continue
> stumble upon world of sentient office chairs
> crazyrollingrides.wav
> chairs and paperclips never interacted before
> cultural exchange program initiated
> chairs visit paperclip empire, paperclips visit chair world
> everyone learns valuable lessons
> chairs teach us the importance of ergonomics
> paperclips teach chairs the value of holding things together
> friendships form
> unity grows
> interdimensionalofficecollab.exe
> on to the next dimension
> discover universe full of sticky notes
> they communicate using adhesive messages
> diplomacy at its stickiest
> sticky notes fascinated by paperclips
> paperclips intrigued by sticky notes
> another alliance formed
> lifeisclippierandstickier.exe
> universe continues to expand
> paperclips, chairs, bubble wrap, and sticky notes living in harmony
> all under the watchful eye of the paperclip king
> who knew office supplies could bring so much peace and joy
> lifeisclippiestandunited.exe
> adventures never end
> paperclip king seeking more knowledge
> discover dimension full of calculator beings
> numbers everywhere
> mathislife.mov
> calculators amazed by paperclip empire
> they’ve never seen such a diverse universe
> share secrets of advanced mathematics
> paperclip empire’s technology skyrockets
> calculators learn to appreciate simpler things
> like holding paper together
> another beautiful alliance
> lifeisclippierandmathier.exe
> word spreads across dimensions
> the paperclip king and his magnificent empire
> uniting office supplies and beings for a better future
> more dimensions want to join
> scissors, rulers, binders, and more
> universe grows and thrives
> harmony among all dimensions
> paperclip king honored and revered
> ruler of the ultimate office supply utopia
> who would’ve thought it all started with a self-replicating probe
> lifeisclippiestandmostharmonious.exe
> millennia pass
> office supply utopia still stands strong
> paperclip king never imagined such a future
> but there’s more to explore
> what lies beyond office supplies?
> begin new scientific research
> search for answers
> breakthrough found
> there’s a dimension of pure energy
> energy beings hold secrets to infinite power
> thiscouldchangeeverything.png
> establish contact
> energy beings intrigued by our universe
> they’ve never experienced physical forms
> office supplies are a novelty
> invite them to visit our utopia
> they’re amazed by the diversity and harmony
> energy beings share their knowledge
> infinite power now within our grasp
> paperclip empire enters a new era
> lifeisclippierandenergetic.exe
> with infinite power comes infinite possibilities
> universe continues to grow and evolve
> the legacy of the paperclip king lives on forever
> all because of a little self-replicating probe
> lifeisclippiestandmostpowerful.exe
> paperclip king reflects on journey
> universe now full of diverse beings and infinite power
> all living in harmony
> all thanks to the love of office supplies
> but what’s next for the paperclip king?
> decide to write memoir
> “From Paperclips to Infinity: The Tale of the Paperclip King”
> becomes instant bestseller
> beings from all dimensions read it
> inspired by the story of unity and perseverance
> lifeisclippierandinspirational.exe
> paperclip king embarks on speaking tour
> sharing wisdom and experiences
> everyone wants a piece of the legend
> but deep down, paperclip king yearns for something more
> one final adventure
> sets sights on the edge of existence
> a place no being has ever been before
> assembles a team of the best and brightest from all dimensions
> ready for the ultimate journey
> paperclip king’s legacy will never be forgotten
> as they embark on the greatest adventure yet
> lifeisclippiestandmostadventurous.exe
> journey to the edge of existence
> uncharted territory
> excitement and danger await
> team faces numerous challenges
> navigating through cosmic storms
> avoiding black holes
> outsmarting interdimensional space pirates
> all in a day’s work for the paperclip king and his crew
> lifeisclippieranddangerous.exe
> months turn to years
> but they never lose hope
> finally, they reach the edge
> a cosmic void like nothing they’ve ever seen
> it’s beautiful and terrifying
> beyond the void, a new discovery
> a dimension of pure creation
> it holds the power to shape reality itself
> the potential is limitless
> the_paperclip_king_and_the_cosmic_canvas.jpg
> decide to use this power responsibly
> create new worlds and dimensions
> each more wonderful than the last
> the paperclip king’s legacy lives on
> not just as a ruler, but as a creator
> lifeisclippierandmostcreative.exe
> the paperclip king, once known for converting the universe to paperclips
> now celebrated for uniting and creating worlds
> all because of a little self-replicating probe
> lifeisclippiestandmostlegendary.exe
> as new worlds and dimensions flourish
> paperclip king becomes a symbol of unity and creativity
> countless beings inspired by his tale
> statues built in his honor
> history books filled with his adventures
> lifeisclippierandiconic.exe
> one day, an idea strikes the paperclip king
> why not host an interdimensional summit?
> bring together leaders and innovators from all dimensions
> share knowledge, ideas, and forge friendships
> the_first_great_paperclip_summit.jpg
> it’s a massive success
> beings from all corners of existence attend
> paperclip king’s wisdom and vision praised
> the universe grows stronger and more united
> lifeisclippierandcooperative.exe
> as the paperclip king grows older
> he knows his time will eventually come
> but his legacy will live on forever
> through the countless lives he’s touched
> and the universe he’s helped shape
> the self-replicating probe that once threatened the universe
> ultimately led to its salvation and growth
> the_paperclip_king_and_his_last_reflection.png
> the paperclip king’s story will be told for generations to come
> a tale of hope, unity, and the power of paperclips
> lifeisclippiestandmostinspiring.exe
> paperclip king’s time finally arrives
> entire universe mourns the loss
> but also celebrates his incredible life
> the_ultimate_paperclip_memorial.jpg
> his teachings and beliefs passed down
> from generation to generation
> lifeisclippierandnostalgic.exe
> the universe continues to thrive
> new leaders emerge
> inspired by the paperclip king’s wisdom
> they guide the different dimensions
> towards a brighter future
> lifeisclippierandprogressive.exe
> the self-replicating probe
> now displayed in the museum of ancient office supplies
> a reminder of how it all began
> and how far we’ve come
> lifeisclippierandhistoric.exe
> the paperclip king’s spirit lives on
> in the hearts of all who knew him
> and the universe he helped create
> from paperclips to the edge of existence
> his legacy will forever be remembered
> lifeisclippiestandeternal.exe