A major theorized difficulty of the alignment problem is its zero-shot nature. The idea is that any AGI system we build will rapidly be able to outcompete its creators (us) in accumulating power, and hence if it is not aligned right from the beginning then we won’t be able to...
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An ML interpretation of Shard Theory
Shard theory has always seemed slightly esoteric and confusing to me — what are ‘shards’, why might we expect these to form in RL agents? When first reading shard theory, there were two main sources of confusion for me. The first, is why an agent optimising a reward function should...
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Preventing Goodheart with homeostatic reward functions.
Current decision theory and almost all AI alignment work assumes that we will build AGIs with some fixed utility function that it will optimize forever. This naturally runs the risk of extreme goodhearting, where if we do not get exactly the ‘correct’ utility function, then the slight differences between our...
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The development of human sexuality as example of alignment
Here I want to bring attention to what I think is an extremely impresive case of evolution’s ability to ‘align’ humans in the wild: the development of human sexuality.
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Don't argmax; Distribution match
I mentioned this briefly in a previous post, but thought I should expand on it a little. Basically, using argmax objectives, as in AIXI or many RL systems are intrinsically exceptionally bad from an alignment perspective due to the standard and well-known issues of goodhearting, ignoring uncertainty etc. There have...
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