On Mathematics and Morality

Here I just want to add a brief addendum to my previous post. One fascinating line of arguments in favour of moral realism compares morality to mathematics. The argument, in simplistic terms, runs roughly as follows: [Read More]

Thoughts on Metaethics

For the past few days I’ve been procrastinating by reading reddit’s askphilosophy, and moral realism has come up again and again. Moral realism has always seemed to me to be a strange, even quixotic, position, so I was very surprised to hear that it is apparently the majority position among... [Read More]

Book Review: Cardinal Richeliu and the Making of Modern France

Overall, I didn’t feel this book lived up to expectations. It might have been a function of reading it in small, disjointed blocks, but the book never seemed to tie together cohesively. The section on Richelieu’s early life and education and rise to power was good, but as soon as... [Read More]

Some Thoughts on Space War and Space Strategy

I’ve just started reading this set of essays - http://ndupress.ndu.edu/Portals/68/Documents/Books/spacepower.pdf, which looks really interesting ( and reminded me that I need to do much more reading on Mahan), but before I start I thought I’d write up some of my own thoughts on space power and space combat, so as... [Read More]

Book Review: Russian Embassies to the Georgian Kings 1589-1605

I saw this in a used bookstore and it was so wonderfully obscure that I had to get it. Surprisingly it was actually pretty interesting. Georgia and the caucasus at that time were a meddly of warring factions and intrigue (as they have been throughout history). The general overview is... [Read More]